Expansion or contraction

Concept Explanation

Expansion or contraction

Expansion or contraction: Solids expand or contract very little on being heated or cooled. The action of heat generally increases the energy of the particles. As these particles become more energized, they vibrate about their mean position of rest more frequently. But, they do not become so energetic as to escape from their mean position. So, the extent of expansion in a solid is small. On cooling, the particles of a solid lose energy and vibrate weakly. But, as the particles so not leave their fixed positions, they do not come closer. This explains why solids contract very little on cooling.

Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Which of the following are correct :

(a) As the particles of solid become more energized, they vibrate about their mean position of rest more frequently

(b) The extent of expansion in a solid is small.

(c) The action of heat generally increases the energy of the particles.

Right Option : D
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Question : 2

Which of the following are correct :

(a) The action of heat generally increases the energy of the particles.

(b) The action of heat generally decreases the energy of the particles.

(c) Solids expand or contract very little on being heated or cooled.

Right Option : C
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Question : 3

As the particles in a solid become more energized, they ___________________ about their mean position of rest more frequently.

Right Option : C
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